Natural beauty for your favorite space

All posts by scottm

Spaces we love, too

UHM_Cover_Aug2015Our work was featured recently in Urban Home Magazine’s August-September 2015 issue. We enjoyed working on the home of DeAnna and Karl Pettersson since they love the natural beauty of stone. We fabricated unique, no-seam giant slabs of white carrara marble to install in their kitchen, plus many other styles of natural stone throughout their home. Take a look at the article and then see our portfolio for all the highlights.

Stone World: Eco-friendly fabricator takes pride in nature

StoneWorld-May2015 30_websiteROCKin’teriors, located in Raleigh, NC, was launched in January 2008 and sustained growth incrementally during the financial recession and construction crises. According to owner Laura Grandlienard, the company is an eco-friendly natural stone showroom and fabrication company. “We believe in preserving the beauty of nature through professional design, fabrication and installation of stone within residential and commercial building projects,” she said.

Read this entire Stone World article written by Jason Kamery.