Tag Archives: ISFA


Surface Fabricators Industry Roundtable

ROCKin’teriors was honored to host the International Surface Fabricators Association Industry Roundtable in cooperation with our friends at CaraGreen. We met new global industry pros from all across the Southeast to showcase Raleigh and shared our surfacing experiences with partners such as MARVA the distributors of Neolith, as well as Cosentino Dekton, plus CaraGreen, which distributes Lapitec.


ISFA Member Spotlight on ROCKin’teriors

The International Surface Fabricators Association recently featured ROCKin’teriors in their member spotlight: In North Carolina, the housing market is booming because of a strong job market, with medical, technology and software companies starting up in and relocating to the area, which is causing demand to outpace construction.


The housing market has been strong for several years, and along with new housing developments, many renovations are underway as homeowners are looking to revamp outdated kitchens, want to upgrade to more open floor plans, or install new, more modern materials into their spaces.


This opens an opportunity for stone fabricators in the market, and one in particular that has taken advantage of that is ROCKin’teriors.  Visit ISFA and read more of their member spotlight 


ROCKin’teriors Named Fabricator of the Year by ISFA

The International Surface Fabricators Association (ISFA) recently announced the 2018 ISFA Award winners at its annual conference. The Triangle’s only woman-owned stone fabrication and installation company, ROCKin’teriors was named ISFA “Fabricator of the Year.” The ISFA Awards are chosen by association members and given to those in the industry that stand out as the very best.

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