Tag Archives: Lapitec


Surface Fabricators Industry Roundtable

ROCKin’teriors was honored to host the International Surface Fabricators Association Industry Roundtable in cooperation with our friends at CaraGreen. We met new global industry pros from all across the Southeast to showcase Raleigh and shared our surfacing experiences with partners such as MARVA the distributors of Neolith, as well as Cosentino Dekton, plus CaraGreen, which distributes Lapitec.


Sintered Stone Hot In 2018

Without question, the biggest trend in surfaces this year has been the rise of sintered stone. We’ve been counseling general contractors, interior designers and architects on this unique surface for the past few years and have hosted numerous design workshops on the topic.



Formed by intense high heat, sintered stone is very durable and eco-friendly. Equally impressive as a counter surface or wall cladding both indoors and out, sintered stone can be cut down to about 1 cm thickness.


We’re proud to be the Triangle region’s (Wake, Durham and Orange County) first certified fabricator of Neolith, Dekton and Lapitec. Follow us on social media so you can see our latest installs:


ROCKin’teriors Becomes Triangle’s Exclusive Fabricator of Sintered Stone

dektonlapitecunnamedWe’re excited to showcase the latest in sintered stone surfaces: Cosentino Dekton, Lapitec and Neolith. Each of these surfaces is ideal for any number of interior and exterior applications because of their exceptional durability.


We like to call each of our sintered stone products “spectacularly indestructible,” because they’re 100 percent natural and formed by ultra-high heat. ROCKin’teriors is a certified fabricator for these sintered stone products, an exclusive designation in Raleigh, Cary and throughout the Triangle.


These high-tech stone surfaces can be fabricated at nearly any thickness and use for flooring, counters, interior walls, exterior siding, or pretty much any modern aesthetic. Learn more here.